Commercial Use
The PIX Indexes are trademark registered by FOEX Indexes Ltd. Any commercial use of the indices is subject to permission from Fastmarkets FOEX and terms outlined in a License Agreement between the user/-s and Fastmarkets FOEX. If you are considering commercial use of PIX, or are already using PIX, don’t hesitate to contact Fastmarkets FOEX
Contact Fastmarkets FOEX Terms of Use
Typical examples of commercial utilization of PIX are:
PIX as market reference price in price risk hedging instruments
These services are provided by banks and other financial institutions and Exchanges. A buyer/seller of e.g. pulp desires to lock in a certain price level for a certain amount of pulp for a certain period. Any bank, or equivalent, or an Exchange, considering offering such services with a PIX index as the market reference price, is obliged to contact FOEX Indexes Ltd for a License Agreement.
Linking pulp or paper supply contract prices to PIX
Buyers and sellers of pulp, paper, paperboard or recovered paper, as well as wood pellets and biomass may use a PIX index as a market reference price for their supply contract price. This commercial use of PIX requires a License Agreement.
Redistributing PIX indices
Database vendors and consulting companies have increasingly acknowledged the value of the PIX indices and history series of these and want to include them in their offerings to their clientele. This value adding commercial vending is also subject to permission from Fastmarkets FOEX in the form of a License Agreement stating the terms of use.
Please note!
Subscribing to Fastmarkets FOEX reports and PIX index history series does not cover rights to use PIX indices commercially. Subscribing to FOEX reports allows the subscriber to use the material for internal use only, not for commercial gain.